The Entrepreneurship Association of Tufts
The Entrepreneurship Association, in conjunction with the Entrepreneurship center, hosts social, networking and mentorship events for the Tufts community.
These events are an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals, professors and local professionals who help shape the entrepreneurial community at Tufts.
Check out the calendar for upcoming events and leave your email below so you never miss EAT programming!
Upcoming Events
The Venture Lab is a designated co-working space on campus for student entrepreneurs looking for a place and a community that drives innovation. Programming, including more coaching modules, pitch nights, and workshops for legal, financial, team dynamics & equity division, strategy, and more are available to all teams.
The Venture Lab is located in Suite 104 on the first floor of the CLIC building, 574 Boston Ave.

The Entrepreneurship Association of Tufts (EAT) is a student-run initiative whose goal is to foster an entrepreneurial community across Tufts. From engineers to artists to entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to bringing together cutting edge people and ideas.

Founder: Peter Sacco, F18
Adelante is changing the acceptable standards by which
businesses function through their Living Well Line
methodology, a new social impact model that balances
development best practices with community input to define
the cost of living well in any community worldwide. For
Adelante, this means paying the craftsmen in Latin America
who make their beautiful handmade leather shoes enough to
live well, then selling the shoes in the States for a responsible
Peter Sacco, founder and CEO, projects that the next
move for Adelante is "to turn [the Living Well methodology]
into a non-prot certication. In terms of for-prot
companies, Adelante will be the rst to be Living Well
Certied, meaning that we pay our workers enough to live
well as dened by them."
The Team



Director of Outreach



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